Monday, March 8, 2010

A Incrível História da Vovozinha e o Lobo Mau

Este filme foi o primeiro que fizemos no Projeto Transições, quando Rita e eu estivemos muito frustrados, incerto se o 
nosso experimento ensinando cinema a crianças pequenas ia dar fruto. Mas uma tarde, no parquinho, Bia tomou a cámara em mãos e começou a brincar. Quando virou o LED screen para poder se ver, escapou a frase "Quê grandes olhos que você tem!", e o resto -- com as variações na história por Hemillin e Carlos -- seguiu naturalmente.

Um pequeno fato para ajudar a intender a loucura criativa da terceira história: quando Carlos e a sua família migraram do 
nordeste para Rio de Janeiro, moraram por um tempo no elevador de um prédio abandonado.
The echoes of gunshots had died down not long before, and most of the older kids at the pre-school in a favela just outside Rio de Janeiro were still nervous.  Everyone knew it was just one of the daily battles between gangs in the shantytown, but that knowledge provided little consolation.  Carlos, Beatriz, Emily, and Allan, all about 4 years old, saw a chance to have the playground to themselves, so they snuck out the back door and onto the swings, where Rita and I were revising the video some of the other kids had filmed earlier in the day.

Beatriz took the big camera in her hand and turned the viewscreen around so she could film and see herself at the same time.  One eye moved closer and closer to the lens as her other eye watched what was happening on the screen.  "What big eyes you have!" she declared, and then caught her own reference.  She smiled with the innocent genius that too many of us lose after that wonderful age of four years old, and completed the phrase: "The better to see you with, my dear."

A quick hint to help understand the crazy genius of the end of the story: When Carlos and his family moved from Brazil's poor northeast to Rio de Janeiro, they lived for a time in the elevator of an abandoned building.

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